Anyone looking for a fast cash business loan should definitely look into obtaining a business cash advance instead. A cash advance is an alternative form of borrowing that can be much easier to obtain – and the application process is also much easier than that of a traditional loan.
Funding Amount
$15,000 - 2,000,000
2 Months - 18 Months
Low Factor Rates
Fast Funding
Less Than 24 Hours
Why Choose Alternative Business Capital Solutions
The problem with fast cash business loans is that they aren’t always that fast! They often entail lots of paperwork to be completed in order to apply for them, and banks or other lenders will take a while to decide whether or not the money you’re applying for can be loaned to you. With a business cash advance, things are totally different, however. A cash advance is a very swift way of borrowing the money that you need in order to keep your businesses’ books in order. If you use the pre-qualification application form, you’ll usually have a reply in under 24 hours! If your application is successful you’ll be happy to know the money you need can be with you in just 1 business day. It’s pretty clear therefore that for fast finance, a business advance can’t be beaten.
The reason that traditional lenders tend to take so long to get back to you regarding your application is that they ask for things like tax returns and collateral. They’ll also ask to see detailed figures relating to the performance of your business, and they may even ask you for a business plan. If you don’t have any of these things to hand, don’t worry, because we don’t ask for any of them.
Once you’ve received your cash advance it’s up to you to decide what you do with it. If you’ve got a few debts outstanding then it’d be a great idea to pay those off, or if you’re planning on expanding by bringing in some new stock, you can spend the cash on that. It’s entirely up to you how you spend or invest the money in your business.The repayment terms are really flexible. You don’t have to worry about making a fixed monthly payment that may sometimes be completely unrealistic. Instead repayments are made based upon a percentage of your sales performance – ensuring that your business don’t falter under the stress of having to pay back what’s owed. Be sure to get in touch with us today to see how we can help you. Even if you’ve been denied fast cash business loans in the past, or your credit history is poor, we may still be able to help.